Upper Wenatchee Pilot Project Monitoring Team Ventures into the Field
The Upper Wenatchee Pilot Project (UWPP) is a collaborative forest restoration project using a condition based approach to forest management. The Forest Service anticipates a
The North Central Washington Forest Health Collaborative, launched in 2013 with facilitation by the Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board, is a diverse group of local stakeholders represented by timber industry, conservation groups, tribal government, elected officials, and local, state and federal land managers working together to obtain the resources and community support to accelerate landscape-scale forest restoration on the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest (OWNF) in Chelan and Okanogan counties.
Throughout the western United States, including Washington State,
forest health has been in decline for several decades. At a broad
scale, the decline can be attributed to past management practices,
including past fire management practices, that have resulted in
uncharacteristically overstocked forests; and episodic droughts that
have increased the competition among trees for available moisture,
resulting in increased stress and loss of vigor.
– HAUGO ET AL. 2015
The Upper Wenatchee Pilot Project (UWPP) is a collaborative forest restoration project using a condition based approach to forest management. The Forest Service anticipates a
Press release from the Okanogan Wenatchee National Forests, Region 6. With almost every Ranger District on the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest actively engaged in fire suppression,
The Mission Restoration Project is a landscape-scale restoration project on the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest located near Twisp, WA, with a focus on restoring forest and
Hilary S. Franz
Commissioner of Public Lands